A groundbreaking step on the road to warp engines surpassing the speed of light.

"It may not be limited to science fiction." However, according to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, it is not possible for an object with mass to reach the speed of light.

The warp engine

Scientists proposing the possibility of faster-than-light travel have opened a new chapter in warp engine research.

The warp engine, or warp drive, familiar to fans of Star Trek, is based on the assumption that space-time can be contracted.

These engines, currently only existing in science fiction works, create a “warp bubble” by compressing space-time in front of the spacecraft and expanding it behind. This allows the vessel to achieve very high speeds, even faster than light.

Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre published an article in 1994 on how this could be possible in real life. However, the “Alcubierre drive,” as this model is known, requires exotic matter known as negative energy to function. Whether this matter even exists has never been conclusively observed.

In a new study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, it’s suggested that a warp engine could be brought into the real world without the need for this matter.

A team from the international think tank Applied Physics proposes a theoretical model that combines traditional and innovative gravitational techniques to create a warp bubble capable of transporting objects at high speeds within known physics limits.

Dr. Jared Fuchs, the lead author of the paper, says, “This work changes the discourse on warp engines.” By presenting a first-of-its-kind model, we’ve shown that warp engines may not be limited to science fiction.

The new model makes “slow-than-light, high-speed” travel possible while indicating a significant step forward on the road to warp engines. Dr. Christopher Helmerich, a co-author of the research, adds, “Such a design would still require a significant amount of energy but shows that warp effects could be achieved without exotic forms of matter.”

These findings pave the way for reducing the energy requirements of warp engines in the future.

The Applied Physics team opened their Warp Factory tool to the public last month, aiming to test and develop warp engine technologies theoretically.

As they continue their efforts to bring science fiction into reality by overcoming obstacles, the CEO of the think tank, Gianni Martire, explains the situation, saying, “While we’re not yet packing our bags for interstellar travel, this achievement heralds a new era of possibilities.”

As humanity enters the Warp Age, we continue to progress steadily forward.

Bibliography ; Independent, SpaceBusiness Wire, Classical and Quantum Gravity

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