LinkedIn Founder Conducts Interview with His Own Artificial Intelligence Clone: Here Are the Mind-Boggling Results You'll Question

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman conducted an interview with his own artificial intelligence clone. The surprising results shed light on what we might expect to see in the future.

Productive artificial intelligence technologies can now bring to life things we’ve only seen in science fiction movies. They can replicate both images and voices, making it difficult for us to distinguish between what is real and what is fake.

A prime example of this is an interview conducted by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman. The renowned entrepreneur spoke with his own artificial intelligence-generated clone, resulting in some fascinating outcomes.

The video of Hoffman's conversation with his artificial intelligence clone:

In the video, Hoffman engages in a conversation about artificial intelligence and technology with his AI-generated avatar. This model is powered by a GPT trained on the billionaire entrepreneur’s data, voice, and behaviors. GPTs, introduced by OpenAI recently, enable anyone to create their own unique chatbot. The results show its success, although it’s worth noting that the video has been edited to achieve this outcome. Nonetheless, it’s impressive to see.

Reid Hoffman

When watching the footage, we can see that the artificial intelligence clone’s body language is realistic. It exhibits similarities to Hoffman’s facial expressions, speaking patterns, and listening gestures. We can even see at one point that it uses its arm to wipe something off the table in front of it. Of course, the quirks commonly encountered in videos and voices generated by artificial intelligence are also present in this model. However, we can say that they are not as prominent.

Regarding his conversation with the clone, Hoffman used the following statements:

“Artificial intelligence avatars can unsettle many people. That’s why I wanted to test what’s possible and what positive aspects there might be. I believe these avatars can serve as a mirror reflecting our ideas and personalities when carefully crafted.”

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