YouTube has taken another step in its ad blocker battle.
Continuing as the leader in its field, YouTube has opened a new chapter in its ad blocker battle. This time, the company is taking an interesting approach.
YouTube has been waging a battle against ad blockers on its web version for some time now. Given that ads are the main source of revenue for both the platform and content creators, a new step has been introduced in this ongoing battle. According to numerous users, YouTube has started skipping to the end of videos for those who use ad blockers.
In other words, if the platform detects an active ad blocker, it won’t allow the video to play, instead, it jumps directly to the end. In recent months, YouTube has also extended its ad blocker fight to third-party applications. Consequently, third-party YouTube apps that come with built-in ad blockers have begun to deliver a subpar experience.
The company stated that users of these applications might encounter buffering issues or video loading problems if the ad blocking infrastructure is enabled, or they might see an error message saying, “Content is not available on this application.”
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